In the context of this year's diy*-festival the swiss mechatronic art society is awarding for the first time
the best art work with the prix* diy in the categories art, music and engineering.
Besides the prix diy* worth 1000 chf. each, additional prizes will be awarded in each category.
Prix diy* is accompanied by a professional jury of well-known artists and scientists, who are responsible for the selection and awarding of all prices.
The jury includes:
- prix diy* music:
- prix diy* art:
- prix diy* engineering:
The rating of the art work by the jury is happening directly at the festival. An art work may be nominated in multiple categories.
The awarding of the prix diy* will take place on sunday, december 7th, 4pm in the main hall.
In the interest of the participants all artists are obligated to be present in person or to receive the prizes through a representative.